
All schools in Ireland/EU, are required to implement the same EMF Risk Assessments and EMF Staff Training as other businesses.

  • Conduct General Risk Assessments after installing Wi-Fi.
  • Inform / Educate staff, Risks from Intense Wi-Fi exposure.
  • Ensure exposure is below sensory effect levels.
  • Health surveillance and maintain health records.

Workers identified ‘at particular risk’ from non-ionising exposure:

  1. Pregnant women
  2. People with Pacemakers, Hearing Aids etc.
  3. People with passive implants
  4. People with body-worn medical devices

At particular risk groups are ADULTS, NOT CHILDREN

2011, Children identified as ‘high-risk group’ when exposed to wireless exposure. Advice contained in Resolution 1815, Council of Europe.

Council of Europe advice: 1)Turn On when using, Turn Off when not 2) Maintain Operational Exposure e.g. no Intense levels.

Wireless Projects will help ensure No Intense Wi-Fi inside Classrooms

50% discount for All Irish Schools from end August – end October 2023 click Contact Form